New Zodiac Signs: Astrological Signs Change Old vs. New List!

New Zodiac Signs: Astrological Signs Change – Old vs. New List!The reputable astronomer insists that the signs you were born into have changed and a one-month gap in the zodiac signs is the result of that change.
So what does that mean for you?
If you used to be a Virgo, you’re now a Leo. If you used to be a Leo, you’re now a Cancer – and so forth.
But that’s not all.
In addition to changing the signs, the astronomers want to add a thirteenth zodiac sign called Ophiuchus. You’re an Opiuchus if your birthday falls from Nov 29 – Dec 17.
Furthermore, the new zodiac sign dates overlap one another. As you can see below, any person whose birthday falls on the last possible day of the sign, also falls into the first day of the next sign. For instance, if your birthday is on August 10, technically you fall into both the Cancer and the Leo categories. I guess, at that point, you just choose which one you like better J.
New Zodiac Sign Dates 2010, 2011, Earth Rotation Changes ,Horoscope Signs, Earth Rotation, Change Direction

New Zodiac Signs: Astrological Signs Change Old vs. New List!

New Zodiac Signs: Astrological Signs Change Old vs. New List!
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