billy walters

A phone call from CBS's 60 Minutes can mean the start of a bad day. Las Vegas gambler and businessman Billy Walters has put 60 Minutes on hold for more than 20 years. That's how long the venerable news program has been trying to land an interview with the man they call the most feared sports gambler in history.

60 Minutes may have had trouble getting Walters to sit down with them, but he's talked to 8 News NOW many times over the years, including Friday by phone. The first time 60 Minutes tried to get him on camera was 1986, and the reporter was Mike Wallace. Walters said no, again and again.

But last month, he said yes to Correspondent Steve Krofft who then turned the story over to Lara Logan. She and her crew spent many hours with Walters, focused on his philanthropic work with Opportunity Village, but mostly looked at his gambling.US NEWS PAPER
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